According to the agreement, seller provides to the buyer of Amazon account full access to the Amazon Seller account registered under the Amazon seller ID.
If necessary, the seller also provides the following data regarding the Amazon Seller Account:
◻️ I registered bank account number;
◻️ account login;
◻️ ОТР;
◻️ email logins;
◻️ 2FA code backed with Authority or Google Authenticator.

In addition, the seller forfeits rights to the email connected with the Amazon Seller Account. The previous owner transfers access to the account's mail, the new owner receives it.

🔄 Let's now move on to how to access the new accounts you purchased:
When vou purchase an Amazon Seller Account from AMAsellZONe, we include your credentials in the email sent to you after you place your order. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the email.
Also, after signing the contract with AmasellZONe, the buyer agrees to change the registration information within 30 davs of accessing the purchased Amazon merchant account.
Also, of no small importance, do we have a contract to buy/ sell an AMAsellZONe account.
AMAsellZONe service contract, which is signed by two parties - Amazon seller and Amazon account buyer.
Provision of services is subject to confirmed receipt of 100% of the total payment amount. We provide our services within 5 (five) days from the date of payment. Payment shall be made by the buyer of the Amazon account or by the seller of the Amazon account via bank transfer to the AMAsellZONe account specified in the agreement.

We are sure that we have answered many of your questions and your trust in us has grown!
Always in touch with AMAsellZONe team 🚀💥


According to the agreement, seller provides to the buyer of Amazon account full access to the Amazon Seller account registered under the Amazon seller ID.
If necessary, the seller also provides the following data regarding the Amazon Seller Account:
◻️ I registered bank account number;
◻️ account login;
◻️ ОТР;
◻️ email logins;
◻️ 2FA code backed with Authority or Google Authenticator.

In addition, the seller forfeits rights to the email connected with the Amazon Seller Account. The previous owner transfers access to the account's mail, the new owner receives it.

🔄 Let's now move on to how to access the new accounts you purchased:
When vou purchase an Amazon Seller Account from AMAsellZONe, we include your credentials in the email sent to you after you place your order. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the email.
Also, after signing the contract with AmasellZONe, the buyer agrees to change the registration information within 30 davs of accessing the purchased Amazon merchant account.
Also, of no small importance, do we have a contract to buy/ sell an AMAsellZONe account.
AMAsellZONe service contract, which is signed by two parties - Amazon seller and Amazon account buyer.
Provision of services is subject to confirmed receipt of 100% of the total payment amount. We provide our services within 5 (five) days from the date of payment. Payment shall be made by the buyer of the Amazon account or by the seller of the Amazon account via bank transfer to the AMAsellZONe account specified in the agreement.

We are sure that we have answered many of your questions and your trust in us has grown!
Always in touch with AMAsellZONe team 🚀💥

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