Has Amazon always been a giant in its field?! Here are six non-obvious achievements of the company, which boldly competes with other Internet sites.

1) When making a purchase in the Amazon office, a bell rang every time. But due to the increase in sales, it was soon removed. In the first month, Amazon sold books to people from all 50 states of America and 45 different countries.

2) At the very beginning, Amazon sold books. Naturally, buying from distributors, it was necessary to buy goods in batches. But the Internet company did not need such a volume, so Amazon began to order one necessary book and nine copies of some little-known book about lichens, which was always out of stock.

3) At one time, Amazon employees had to work at least 60 hours a week.

According to the stories of one of the first employees, he even had time to check his mail. After all, he left for work early in the morning, and returned late at night.

4) The founder of the company - Bezos was so dear to his business that he devoted all his time to the development of the company. Thanks to his hard work, the company began to grow rapidly, which led to chaos in the Amazon order centers.

The peak of popularity fell at the end of the 90s. Amazon was in chaos. The issuing centers had to be closed to settle the process and work. The company was not ready to store new product categories.

5) The founder of the company Amazon Bezus cares about his business and always responds to emerging problems and disputes.

Customers can always send claims by personal letter to Bezos ' email. ⠀
Bezos sends the complaint to the employee with a single"? " character. Usually, employees respond within a few minutes to solve the problem and prepare a detailed explanation of why it occurred.

6) Amazon is rapidly gaining momentum, respectively, orders are growing, and delivery should be fast and high-quality.

During the holidays, it is especially difficult for the employees of the logistics department. To relieve employees a little emotionally, in the early 2000s, Jeff Wilkie, Amazon's production director, allowed everyone to shout at him on the phone.
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