The full-scale WAR have left many craftsmen and small manufacturers without sources of profit. In this case, an alternative for Ukrainian small businesses could be to enter the international market through large marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy.

Let's talk about Amazon marketplace and how Ukrainian entrepreneurs who have lost their income can start their own business in this difficult time.
Useful tips from the AMAsellZONe team for Ukrainians.

Let's roll.

In 2015, retail giant Amazon launched a marketplace for handmade goods called Amazon Handmade.

Unlike Amazon, this marketplace doesn't require your item to be in the marketplace's warehouse. You can also ship on your own. Another plus of the marketplace is less competition among artisans and a better chance that your product will be seen.

How to register:

It's important for Amazon to make sure that you're actually selling a handmade item. You'll have to fill out an application and answer questions about your business:

▫️Register an Amazon account for the seller.
▫️Apply to sell through Amazon Handmade.
▫️ Submit detailed information about your business and products to the administration of the marketplace.
▫️After passing the screening, which can take up to 2 weeks, you will receive access to the store and the ability to create ads.

Many people are interested in the question of how to sell:

Of the advantages of Amazon Handmade is less competition, but that doesn't mean you can avoid having to pay for ads to get more people to see the product.

Is there any commission?
Yes there is, you don't have to pay to list the product here, but you will be charged 15% of each successful sale.

The withdrawal process is also very important:
You can withdraw money through Payoneer (90 days after registration) or to the company's bank account .

Ukrainians, are you ready to start your business on Amazon!
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