If you have already studied information about how to register on Amazon, you've probably met opinions that this site is quite difficult. And we are talking about the registration stage, where many newcomers get banned. In fact, it's not so bad.

Like any marketplace, Amazon has its own requirements for new users, and it is important to comply with them. How to do this, and how to 100% avoid getting your account blocked, we'll tell you and help!

Usually help is needed for people with minimal experience who already have some sort of plan, but don't quite understand/fail to sign up. Or it can be a person who didn't manage to make his account, but wants to make an account under his data.

Now let's move on to the process of how it works to create an Amazon account at AMAsellZONe.

The process of work can be painted on this:

1. We take your customer data (passport, bank account, phone number, credit card and EIN (Employer Identity Number, available for legal entities) or its equivalent) are taken.

2. Then team needs to know if the account will be for a company or a person & your prompt answers to questions.

3. After that, you only need to wait a little and that's it!

That is, based on all of the above, we can conclude that the independent registration of the account loses in all respects.

Therefore, we are happy to help you with Amazon account registration!
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