Amazon has always been the leader. What's not insignificant, during the pandemic it earned more than in the last three years in total.

Jeff Bezos, the company's founder, went into small business and created an online bookstore. Amazon has grown from this small book marketplace and is currently developing major trends
The company has long surpassed the most no-nonsense leaders in the global marketplace.

Amazon currently has these ways of making money:

  1. Online sales.
The company not only has a Web site and marketplace platform, but also online marketplaces for clothing, appliances, and books.

2. Commissions from product sales and commercial services for vendors.

3. Cloud services.
They also bring in a large percentage of funds. For example, more than two hundred services are recommended through the AWS site for saving and analyzing data, renting online servers.

4. Subscriptions.
These are the ones that entail a significant portion of the net profit from sales. Amazon Prime is the most profitable subscription for users.

5. Special offers: advertising and other Amazon services.

6. Rounding out the list are outlets.

What is the secret to Amazon's high quality and rapid growth?

The company uses a variety of systems. An example would be increasing volume with the help of sellers – this helps Amazon beat the competition with minimal effort. Inventing internal adaptations for third-party players. Of course, attracting consumers to apply subscriptions is what provides the company with a highly stable income. Buying companies and newcomers to the market. And, in conclusion, expanding market share through product launches and own brands.

What will happen next?

Of course, the development of new areas to make it even harder for competitors to catch up with Amazon. There is enough money from customers and sellers for this
Now we are waiting for news about robotaxis and drone delivery.
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