Of course, everyone understands that there is always the possibility of encountering unscrupulous sellers or buyers when making various purchases on the Internet. This is especially true nowadays, when scammers are everywhere.

We claim Amasellzone as a guarantor of the deal:

First, we do a very thorough check of sellers before buying an account. We also choose only good accounts with a history of sales. All this is done for you, our customers, so that the transaction is obviously safe!

Secondly, there is a contract – also a guarantor. Both parties – the seller and the buyer – sign it.

After signing the contract, what do you have to do so that we can provide our services?

Provision of services is made within 5 days after confirmation of receipt of 100% of the total payment amount.
Payment is made by the buyer or the seller of the account by wire transfer to the Amasellzone account specified in the contract.

How the procedure of acquiring access to the newly purchased account:

We include the credentials in the email sent after the order is placed. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the letter. Also, after signing the contract with Amasellzone, the buyer agrees to change the registration information within 30 days of accessing the purchased Amazon seller account.

What can the buyer do to verify the quality and honesty of our work?

Before buying an account from us, the buyer can find out all the information he is interested in. Namely, we confirm that the purchased account exists. The buyer can check the links to the products sold on this account to make sure that everything is as honest as possible.

Our team of professionals always performs their tasks 100%.

Fast and reliable with AMAsellZONe!
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