characteristics GUIDE
To sell on Amazon, it's no secret that you need an account. You can create one yourself or buy a ready-made one. The price will depend on age, reviews, and rating.

«But what for I need to pay, if I could register it?»
A ready-made account with sales statistics and rating will save the entrepreneur time and money. The older the page, the higher the trust of buyers & AMAZON. But only if the previous owner followed the rules.

We would like to tell you more about the characteristics, that have influence on the price of buying accounts from AMAsellZONe:

1️⃣ Reviews.

Most old accounts have reviews. The more reviews you have, the more trustworthy you are, the higher you are on the seller's list. If you sell your own product, you already would have a reputation and more loyalty to you.
Testimonials are usually very hard to get, so reviews that are already going to be on your account will be good for you, the entrepreneurs.

2️⃣ Turnover.

High turnover is necessary for you to have Amazon conduct fewer checks on your account. For example, if you had $1,000 in turnover, you can't immediately make $100,000 worth of sales the next day - you could get 100% of your account blocked right away.
So if the turnover is recent and large, allows you to build up sales very quickly and without risk in locking .

3️⃣ Buy Box.

Buy Box is a listing section where an item is bought in one click. By getting it, you can greatly increase your sales on Amazon. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of shoppers shop in the BuyBox section of the product page.

4️⃣ Country of Registration.

You can choose the country of registration according to your taste & region. But, for example, if it's a European country or European business address, u would have more open brands, if it's a US account there are opportunities to sell pesticides & books….and so on. Each country has its own characteristics and often you pay for them

We hope that now it is clearer from what the price of an account is formed. AMAsellZONe will always help you and answer all your questions!!
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