AMAZON NEWS: cryptocurrency and Amazon!
The company will soon begin accepting payments through a service that supports cryptocurrencies.

Information about the takeover of the banking and financial sector was reported back in June 2021.
Although Amazon itself denied the information, all indications are that the company will indeed be accepting specific cryptopayments in the online store by 2022, which is soon. This will save the firm about a hundred million dollars a year in credit card processing fees alone and significantly reduce the risk of chargebacks.

As you know, the trading platform became a partner of the payment system PayPal and its service Venmo.

The Venmo payment service has supported the ability to buy, sell and save cryptocurrency since April 2021.
Its millions of customers have access to 4 digital coins:
  • Bitcoin.
  • Ethereum.
  • Litecoin.
  • Bitcoin Cash.

So an agreement with Amazon could mean that it will be possible to pay with digital assets for purchases at the online store.

However, this is still assumptions, unconfirmed by Amazon representatives. The company has already been a game changer for a number of industries. Why shouldn't the banking and financial sector be next?
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